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Albert speaks about Free Nations League upcoming actions

· 2 min read

My name is Albert. I am an activist of Free Nations League.

Free Nations League is a non-profit organization that unites activists of the national movements of nations held captive by Russia. Our ultimate goal is the independence of our countries. To achieve this goal, we consider it necessary to find friends and allies in democratic countries who will support and recognize our countries such as Kalmykia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Buryat-Mongolia, Cossackia, Erzyan Mastor, Ingria, Republics of North Caucasus, Tuva, Sakha as captive ones in Russia.

We have just sent a letter to President Biden in which we asked him to consider addition of our nations to captive nations list. This will signal to people in our countries who struggle for the freedom that The United States know and support them.

We are planning to send letters to every US senator and congressman asking to support us and put a resolution on vote to add our nations to captive nations list.

Also the same work is being planned to do in the European countries.

We have just started!

Freedom for Nations! Freedom for Individuals!

Please consider to join and suppport us.